Artificial Intelligence

Agents here, agents there

Big tech companies like Microsoft integrate them in their programs, trying to make life “easier” or just upkeep their software “value”, maybe even raise it. Earlier, Satya Nadella was talking in a call about some agent talk-talk monetization, when inter-communicating AI agents need “adapters” to access each other.

Small companies like ours also can build AI agents, rather smaller in scale but with ability to “talk” to the agents of other organizations. This increases collaboration and development and it seems to me an “Internet” of AI agents is not far. Will be critical to the businesses that rely on it… say the majority of companies, and customers.

People can have their own AI agent, or a set of agents that execute tasks for us. It could be: making automated calls and having a conversations on a certain topic. Based on the response, a different agent would be triggered and take action.

Of course, people can already build this, but do they need it, does it help? What change does it make? For fun, maybe revenue. What is the impact for simple people?

Knowledge is the biggest AI contribution to the people. AI is natural and access to AI is a basic human right.

Agentic networks will complement our life and their development has to be done in responsible manner. AI must serve people and people only. It cannot have biases towards certain groups, individuals or prejudice characteristics.

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